Selling E-goods...
An Excellent E-Business Model
Hard Goods? E-goods?
We use the term "e-goods" to refer to electronic products. You cannot touch them since they are purely digital. They are "shipped" virtually by e-mail or direct download from a Web site.
We use the term "hard goods" to mean to mean physical products that cannot be transmitted virtually but rather are shipped by mail or courier. For example, an oil painting.
This site does not discuss hard goods.
If you are interested in selling hard goods, click here.
If you can digitize it, you can sell it...
- e-books
- digital photos
- music
- clip art
- cartoons/art/illustrations
- database products/software
Selling e-goods takes the Internet beyond a mere communications medium.
When you sell e-goods, the Internet becomes a frictionless, automated distribution channel.
No products to handle. No boxes to pack. Just electrons, speeding through the Internet to your customer, while dollars speed in the opposite direction to you.
This Is "E-Business At Its Most E-fficient"
However, don't jump to create your e-product too quickly and expect sales to start coming in right away. It's tempting to rush but in order to succeed you must start with a plan and a process first.
This site shows you how to use a business building mindset from start to finish.
The first key to success is to master a niche. The Web, when properly used, is the ultimate niche marketing-and-selling vehicle. It is the ideal situation for those who want to sell digital products to carefully targeted markets.
To succeed online, you must build your own niche/theme-focused business... and that means building your own targeted traffic... your own clientele, from the ground up.
How do you do that? Start with a proven process...
And SBI!, the only all-in-1, step-by-step system of process-and-software that delivers profitable online businesses. Everything that you need to grow an e-business is built-in. With SBI! you can focus on your business rather than struggling with the technical aspects of building a Web site (HTML, FTP, CSS, SEO, etc.).

When I first came online I didn't even have a single idea for a book or ebook. I have now created and published 10 ebooks/books.
I was fortunate to understand early on that it was very important to create a theme-based content-rich Web site that would attract a lot of free or low-cost targeted traffic from the Search Engines. I also discovered that SBI! was the best way to create and maintain such a site.
However, it took me a while, and lots of trial-and-error experimentation, to figure out exactly how to convert that targeted traffic into a meaningful income in my "writing help" niche. Eventually I discovered that the best model in my particular niche was to create and sell info-products or e-goods in the form of downloadable ebooks.
Ebooks are easy to create because you are writing about what you already know (i.e. your niche theme), and most importantly, once you've created a digital info-product you can easily set it up to sell on automatic pilot at ClickBank; over and over again.
It's a great way to earn a living!
Shaun Fawcett
The sale of e-goods is a natural extension of the information-providing nature of a Theme-Based Content Site. The right e-goods can grow a substantial, profitable online business, an excellent monetization option, with or without Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing.
Selling E-goods Online Is A Dream Come True
Can there be a better business in the world?...
- Nothing to "manufacture."
- Nothing to pick, pack, and address.
- Nothing to ship.
- Nothing falls off the back of the truck.
- Totally automated. Sales occur overnight while you sleep.
- When you make sales, inventory does not decrease.
Simply create great electronic products, get paid by credit card in real-time, boosted by thousands of affiliates who refer traffic to you, and enjoy the impact you make on other people's lives, as well as your more than self-sufficient income.
How Easy Is This? How "Do-able"?
Shaun is successfully selling his knowledge. And so is Michael Boyter, from Wasilla, Alaska, who runs another profitable SBI! site, He creates quality content about a theme he's interested in... genealogy and family autobiographies.
From the beginning, Michael knew that he wanted to sell an e-book called Memorygrabber. But no one is looking online for the term Memorygrabber.
Instead, they look for information or solutions about a wide variety of topics related to genealogy, writing your own autobiographies, family history, etc.
Building a theme-based content site delivers the information people seek. And SBI! showed Michael how to write it so that Search Engines like his content, too. Actually, it did more than "show" him. It provided all the tools he needed (including step-by-step help and built-in traffic-building modules.)
Now, interested, motivated people find his site. Thousands of them. They are PREsold by his excellent content. And then they discover Memorygrabber. also monetizes the high volumes of targeted traffic in other ways...
Google AdSense
Google AdSense ads contribute a healthy monthly income -
Affiliate Commissions
By referring visitors to non-competing merchants with affiliate programs, profits are boosted even more... affiliate commissions go straight to the bottom line. -
Joint Ventures
Michael leverages his site's high traffic by selling related products created by others, merchants who are either offline or who are online but don't have the volumes of traffic that SBI! and have built.

Summary of Results
- 35% of SBI! sites ranked in the top 0.5%
of all sites (i.e., higher than over 99% of all
sites on the Web). - 53% were in the top 2%.
- 62% scored in the top 3%.
You Create The E-Goods. SBI! Builds Your Business
SBI! is the ultimate Business Building System for selling digital products. Take the SBI! Quick Tour to see how SBI! makes it so do-able. From e-books to enterprise software, no matter what your niche is, no matter what you want to sell, build a Web site that works.
Try SBI! and see for yourself. Take it home for a "No Risk Test Drive." Using SBI! is the best way to experience its power and depth... AT NO RISK.
You'll soon have a site that attracts warm, willing-to-buy visitors...
YOUR visitors. And then... YOUR customers.
You have a future to gain, a past (i.e., knowledge) to convert into income, and absolutely nothing to lose.
"Venture nothing, and life is less than it should be."
Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990)
Take advantage of our Money-Back "Confidence of Success" Guarantee.
Use it to convert your purchase into a
"no risk take-it-home-for-a-test-drive" trial.
In other words...
Purchase and then decide.